Droid Inventor Kit
Lucasfilm & Disney
Lead Visual Designer
Joe Shouldice (CD), Jorge Chuquihuanca (Designer), Jongwoo Gan (Designer), Juan Clavijo (Render Specialist), Nick Santos (Digital Product), Rowan Wernham (UI/UX), Rochelle Lo (UI/UX)
The Droid Inventor Kit empowers users to build, control and customize their own Droid using littleBits and the Droid Inventor app. As Lead Visual Designer, I was responsible for the art direction and design of the packaging, collateral and campaign graphics.
Package Design
The packaging of the Droid Inventor Kit needed to differentiate itself from other Star Wars products and articulate a unique value proposition while satisfying Lucasfilm’s product guidelines. The visual design direction emphasizes the creative, constructive and customizable nature of the product.
Droid Icon
Our marketing team needed a visual mnemonic that would represent the product in advertisements, merchandise and retail displays. The visual needed to be as simple as possible while capturing the essence of R2-D2 and feeling consistent with the littleBits brand.
Expansion Packs
To extend the product’s lifecycle, littleBits began offering an expansion pack subscription for enhanced functionality. Their packaging would not be shown in e-commerce and needed to maximize economic efficiency. The solution was a single monochromatic box that would be used for all expansion packs, along with a low-cost set of stickers for distinguishing packs.
Digital Experience
The Droid Inventor App guided the bulk of the post-purchase experience. I designed a set of illustrations to represent the various missions users would undertake that aligned with the app’s visual design direction, inspired from the HUD and holographic displays from the Star Wars films.
Droid Customization
The product enabled users to personalize their Droid’s appearance with customizable stickers. To encourage customization, I produced a set of visuals that displayed the assembled Droid in various colorways.